Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Welcome to my blog

I am new to the blog world so this is my first time writing one.
I opened up my etsy shop at the end of this summer. I had been shopping in etsy for some time and decided to open up my own shop. I sell paper crafts. I really love scrapbooking but it seems cards are taking over my shop. I enjoy making cards but scrapbooking is what I LOVE to do.
Here is a little about me...
I am a stay at home mom to three boys all under the age of 5. So my day is busy. I get my item made durning naps and at night. Some time my four year old like to help me. Which is great..most of the time.
I am also into natural living and trying to save our environment. I am trying to change my house over to more eco friendly products.
My blog should be interesting I don't think I will always post about my crafts. I tend to have interesting stories to tell about my children especially my 2 year old.

Today we are off to have breakfast with the family and then to mail out some orders. Perhaps I will update later.

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